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Global Week for Actions on NCDs

We, NGOs and private sectors call on governments and head of state to uphold their commitments to Universal Health Coverage (UHC), ensuring that everyone has access to the healthcare that they need, without risk of financial hardship, and regardless of where they live.

In Cambodia, NCDs are a large and growing public health challenge. Noncommunicable diseases kill nearly 60,000 Cambodians every year, representing 64% of all deaths in 2018[1]. One in every four Cambodians (23%) dies prematurely, before the age of 70 years, from one of the four main NCDs. Cardiovascular disease is the most common NCD, causing 24% of all deaths followed by cancer (14%), chronic respiratory diseases (4%) and diabetes (2%)[2].

The four main NCDs, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease remain a major cause of premature deaths in Cambodia to be addressed in the National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2021-2030. According to the case for investment 2019 on prevention and control of NCDs in Cambodia, these NCDs are imposing significant costs on the Cambodian economy. A total amount of USD 1.5 billion is lost every year, representing close to 7 percent of GDP[3].

The provision of inadequate services for patients living with non-communicable diseases is to reduce illness and death and to spend money on lifelong medicine, affecting the family economy, disability as a result of poor daily living habits, unhealthy food And lack of physical activity.

Mr. Tim Vora, executive director of Health Action Coordinating Committee (HACC): "Non-communicable diseases are a challenge for the general population to face in daily life, spending money on treatment. Therefore, we, the relevant civil society organizations, should pay attention to working together to prevent the spread of disease by preventing while the intervention program and budget are limited."

Dr. Nargiza Khodjaeva, Technical Team Lead NCD and Health through the Life-Course (NHL): "Today is a special day organized by the Cambodian NCD Alliance and also involves with organization who actively working on non-communicable disease; with representatives of PLWNCDs, private companies, government agencies and other stakeholders. For the same program under the auspices of the World Health Organization to the Department of Health Protection of the Ministry of Health. I expect that we will organize again with the participation of HACC, the Secretariat of the Cambodian NCD Alliance for Control and Prevention in purpose to strengthen, prevent and enhance the patient's voices and health facilities. According to the Health Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health, Phase 4, one of the strategies related to non-communicable diseases is the review of the PHC endorsement on strengthening the health center services of the management and prevention of non-communicable diseases risk 2023-2030".

Linda Makova, senior capacity development officer, NCD Alliance London in United Kingdom: "I would like to thank you for Cambodian NCD Alliance and the Health Action Coordinating Committee for hosting the important event today. Focusing on how we make sure to accelerate the achievement of UHC iN Cambodia and ensuring everyone has access to NCDs health care they need without risk of financial hardship in regardless of what they are, where they live, or who they are through round table discussion. As you know, this week we are holding a midweek ceremony for patients, a special community-to-national program where we have to gather issues to solve. or this year, we have a clear message that focuses on continuing to focus on non-communicable diseases in Universal Health Coverage (UHC), also linked to this week's UN summit. With a clear message on service delivery and global service coverage, and also be an agent of change. I hope that all this work will be done by stakeholders, civil society organizations, community and academia to make a difference, while those who are living with non-communicable diseases are at the heart and the first priority in Making different decisions."

Dr. Kol Hero, director of the Preventive Medicine department, Ministry of Health: "We will discuss the provision of services for PLWNCDs, while the department will focus on strengthening cooperation and training for national and sub-national health facilities for doctor, nurse, and officers, and then sub-national level will continue to provide training at the grassroots level.​What the department is doing is to formulate policies, and strategic plans to provide a direction for organization and partner’s implementation. Therefore, stakeholders need to be oriented for the proper implementation, firstly, the strategic plan of the Royal Government and secondly, the strategic plan of civil society organizations."

The Global Week for Action on NCDs for people living with NCDs is being held annually from September 14- 21 around the world and under different themes. For Cambodia, Global Week was held on September 19, 2023, at the Phnom Penh Hotel with the participation of civil society organizations, representatives from relevant institutions, the Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, and World Health Organization of Cambodia. Through round table discussion, there are some activities that it needed to be solved in the following:

  • Promote discussion and finalize the draft law on alcohol control

  • Promoting the implementation of unhealthy food management in schools

  • Increase insulin delivery to people with diabetes or living with the disease.

  • The National Social Security Fund should cover the provision of annual health check-ups to beneficiaries.

  • Promote and expand non-communicable disease screening in all health centers

  • Provide eye care services and provide psychological support to non-communicable patients.


[1] WHO Noncommunicable Disease Country Profile 2018., accessed 25 December 2020. [2] WHO Noncommunicable Diseases Country Profiles 2018., accessed 25 December 2020. [3] UNDP UNIATF and WHO- Prevention and control of NCDs in Cambodia. The case for investment 2019., accessed 5 April 2021.

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