The launch of the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in Cambodia, Case for Investment took place on 2 October 2019. The investment case was developed under the UNDP-WHO Joint Global Programme on NCD Governance, with the financial support of the Government of the Russian Federation.
NCD investment cases are national quantitative analysis that outline the economic and social rationale for investing in a scaled-up NCDs response. The aim is to demonstrate the economic burden of inaction on NCDs, the significant economic gains from implementing cost-effective policies and provide recommendations based on the national context.
Three types of analysis were performed:
1. An analysis of economic burden
2. An intervention costing analysis
3. A Return on Investment (ROI) analysis
The findings showed that only moderate spending on prevention measures could reduce the prevalence of NCDs and mitigate their effects on the economy. Policy packages to reduce the consumption of tobacco smoking, alcohol and salt and to increase physical activity are estimated to cost KHR 34 billion (US$ 8 million), KHR 60 billion (US$ 15 million), KHR 49 billion (US$ 12 million) and KHR 30 billion (US$ 7.3 million) over 15 years, respectively. Clinical interventions addressing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes were significantly more expensive options, cost KHR 1.2 trillion (US$ 301 million) over 15 years.
The following info-graphics below also show a snapshot of the findings.
The annual economic losses under a “business as usual” scenario:
The economic and social payoff:
There are six policy recommendations:
1. Raise awareness about the true costs of NCDs and the enormous benefits of development f investing in five packages of proven, cost-effective interventions.
2. Strengthen tobacco control measures and enforce them.
3. Adopt a comprehensive set of salt reduction policies, regulations and interventions.
4. Promote physical activity through national mass public awareness campaigns and increase leadership to ensure that health is central to urban planning.
5. Take a comprehensive approach to taxes on health-harming products (health taxes), prioritising increases in excise taxes on tobacco, alcohol and sugar sweetened beverages, and using portions of the additional revenue for NCD prevention and control.
6. Strengthen national coordination and planning for the prevention and control of NCDs.
Here is a link to the report which was published in October 2019.