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Good News for Cambodian NCD Alliance!

The NCD Advocacy Institute is a flagship Capacity Development initiative designed to strengthen NCD civil society to ensure a more effective NCD response. With 6 steps Seed Track Prioritization Country’s selection, Cambodia is one of the 7 countries which is going to join, support the establishment of NCD alliances, strengthening governance structures, establish foundation, promote, and support coalition, strengthen connections with alliances of NCDA, NCDA’s regional, and global networks.


The third phase consists of a three-year cycle 2024-2026 A total of eight NCD alliances were supported via the Seed Program (Bhutan, Cameron, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Georgia, Jordan, Nepal, and Zambia).


In the meantime, the independent consultant is going to work with the selected countries in purpose to gather the information of meaningful involvement of PLWNCDs, ask NCD alliances to allocate time for discussion, and identify action plans that foster sustainability in the organizations, alliances also will be eligible to grant opportunity by a competitive call (3 grants to be awarded) regarding coalition building, organizational development and setting foundations for advocacy. The consultant will work from June-July 2024 for monthly calls/quarterly.

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